Play for free. Pay as you go.

Build, launch, and grow. Only pay for what you use.


For testing and building

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For launching and growing

Upgrade planUpgrade

For scaling and enterprise-level service

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Marengo (Search & Classify)

Indexing by option (One-time)

$0.033 / min*
$0.0083 / min*
Text in video
Text in video
$0.067 / min*
$0.10 / min*

Infrastructure (Monthly)

Stored vector
Stored vector
$0.0015 / min*

API limit (Daily)

Search API
100 calls
Search API
6,000 calls
Classify API
20 calls
Classify API
1,200 calls
Pegasus (Generate)

Indexing by option (One-time)

$0.033 / min*
$0.0083 / min*

Generate usage

Input text
Input text
/1,000 tokens
Output text
Output text
/1,000 tokens

Infrastructure (Monthly)

Stored video
Stored video
$0.0015 /min*

API limit (Daily)

Gist API
50 calls
Gist API
3,000 calls
Summarize API
50 calls
Summarize API
3,000 calls
Generate API
50 calls
Generate API
3,000 calls
Compare plans
Index limit
600 min*

*Minute of video successfully indexed, rounded up to the next full minute

**Pricing is calculated monthly and subject to change


Do I need to register my credit card to use the Free plan?

No, you do not need to register a credit card to use the Free plan. When you successfully create and log in your account with Twelve Labs, you can start using the Free plan right away.

How do I upgrade to the Developer plan? Do I have to use up 600 free minutes before switching to the Developer plan?

When you log in your account with Twelve Labs for the first time, you are automatically assigned a Free plan. You can upgrade to a Developer plan anytime by registering a credit card and selecting a Developer plan in the Dashboard interface. Twelve Labs does not automatically upgrade your plan to a Developer plan based on your usage.

Can I finetune models?

Yes. We can fine-tune models based on your business requirements and domain specifics. Contact us to discuss options and pricing.

What if my use case exceeds 60,000 minutes (1,000 hours) of videos?

60,000 minutes is a soft limit for a Developer plan, which means you can exceed this limit without disruption in service. However, we highly recommend you to contact us to discuss your use case so that we can provide the best pricing and support if your use case exceeds this limit.

What is included in the infrastructure fee?

This infrastructure fee includes storing and maintaining your video embeddings to continue to enable downstream tasks such as search, classify, and video-to-text generation.

In the Free plan, what does “index access” mean? What happens if I hit the index access limit (90 days)?

Index access is the maximum duration we keep your index data (indexing options, video indexing vectors) in our database. If you use the Free plan, for each index you create, we only keep such data for 90 days. After this period, all your index data would be cleared from our end. Once the indexed data is cleared, we cannot revert them back. If you want to continue to use the index (such as, for searching, classifying, uploading new videos, deleting videos…), we recommend you to upgrade to the Developer plan.

What happens to my index if I switch from the Free to Developer plan?

When you switch from Free to Developer plan, any remaining index that has not reached the 90 days limit will be automatically given unlimited access. That means you can continue to use such an index as long as you are in the Developer plan.

I'm in the Free plan. How does the 600 minutes work?

As part of the Free plan, we provide 600 minutes free of charge for you to try out Twelve Labs. It means you can upload up to 600 minutes of video to our Platform. This amount is accumulated, meaning even if you delete your indexes or videos that you uploaded, this amount does not decrease.

What happen to my billing if I delete my account or my index(es)?

If you delete your account or one or multiple index(es) in your account, you are still responsible for paying your service fee (including indexing fee and infrastructure fee, if you are in Developer Plan) until your account or index(es) is deleted. This action takes effect immediately and it can not be reversed.

How do I downgrade from Developer plan to Free plan?

To switch to the Free plan, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Dashboard page and log in using your credentials.
  2. From the sidebar, select Billing. Then, select the Cancel Enrollment:
  3. Follow the provided instructions.
  4. When you've finished, select the Proceed button.

Note the following about downgrading your plan:

  • Your indexes expire 90 days from the date of their creation.
  • The platform maintains the total duration of your indexed videos without resetting it.